Sebaik-baik manusia adalah yang paling bermanfaat bagi manusia yang lainnya (HR. Thabrani)

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Posted by Anisa Wilujeng in | 18:47 No comments
Hello everyone! Long time no see! Hehe..
Today, I wanna try to start writing in this blog using english.
Ok, let’s talk about plan after graduate. Have you graduated from university? What is your plan after pass it?

We know there are some options that can you take. You can work, continue your study, married, or take a course. So, what will you choose?

Personally, I always change my plan (hehe). When I was study semester 1 – 6, I had not a planed to continue my study to master. I am not patient to see my students. Beside that, I had a plan to get married in a young age. Haha..

But, I don’t know why since I arrange my S-1 Thesis, I have a desire to continue my study abroad. I felt what I have now to be a teacher is not enough. I should learn more and more. I wanna be the real teacher who can understand the student condition and know what should I do for my students so they can grow better. To produce the best student, we need the best teacher. The best teacher is the person who have a good character, high intelligent, able to influence someone, and inspiring to do a goodness.

To manage students, I think this is a very hard duty because we are managing a human not a thing. Human has lots of characteristic.

I remember what Pak Irud said. Teacher can be the first queue to heaven, but also can be the first queue to the hell.

And about married, I think I should upgrade my personality before I meet my prince, hehe. I wanna be a good wife for him and be a good mother for my children. :D

Are you scholarship hunter? Let’s get it together! 

Okay, I think this is enough for today. If you wanna discuss something with me, just send me an email. See you! May Allah always bless us! :)


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